
panic(cpu 0 caller Oxffffff801ef9654e):"Process 1 exec of /sbin/launchd failed, errno 5"/Library/Caches/ 10/bsd/kern/kern _exec.c:4584

Debugger called: (panic>

Backtrace (CPU O), Frame: Return Address

: Oxffrrfr801eadab52 :Oxffffff801ef9654e Oxffffff801ef6df9b Oxffffff801efb3dd1 Oxffffff801ead54cd Oxffffff801ebcef 3e Oxffffff801ebec52f

Oxffffff80b4dabde0 Oxffffff80b4dabe60 Oxffffff80b4dabee0 Oxfffrrff80bdabf00 Oxffffff80b4dabf 40 Oxffffff80b4dalbf80 Oxffffff80b4dabf a0

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: init

Boot args: rp=file:ll/ u

Mac OS version:

Not yet set

Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0: Thu Jun 23 18:25:34 PDT 2016: root :xnu-3248.60.10-1/RELEASE X86 64

Kernel UU ID: xxxx

Kernel slide: Ox000000001e800000

Kernel text base: Oxffffff801ea00000

HIB text base: Oxffffff801e900000

System model name: iMac7,1 (Mac-F42386C8)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 1801804645


iMac, OS X 10.11

发布日期 2025年2月15日 上午8:55




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