看上去一段时间内没有人回复。 要再次发起对话,只需提出一个新问题即可。

lol mac客户端麦克风无法使用(临时解决方案)(转自美服lol玩家社区,玩家ranma42)



1. 打开 "Terminal"

2. 输入以下代码并敲击回车(不包括双引号), "cd '/Applications/League of Legends.app/Contents/LoL/'"

3. 回车后终端没反应,继续输入下一行代码并回车,./LeagueClient.app/Contents/MacOS/LeagueClient",此时客户端将会通过终端启动

4. 登陆你的lol账号

5. 在客户端登陆后,点击“设置 ->声音”并点击测试按钮,是一个话筒的图标。此时会自动弹出一个要求麦克风访问权限的对话框。”

6. 点击“同意”




As a temporary workaround (that does not require a developer certificate), you could run the client from the terminal utility:

1. open "Terminal"

2. at the command prompt, run "cd '/Applications/League of Legends.app/Contents/LoL/'"

3. run "./LeagueClient.app/Contents/MacOS/LeagueClient"

4. login into your LoL account

5. go to "Settings -> VOICE" and click on the mic symbol; this should cause a popup `“Terminal.app” would like to access the microphone.`

6. choose "OK"

Voice should now work, but I strongly suggest to test it in a coop game or similar, to make sure that everything is ok.

Steps 5 and 6 should only be needed the first time (unless you reset your settings).

Steps 1 to 4 will be needed whenever you want to start LoL.

If the client updates, I would suggest you to close it and run through steps 1-5.

MacBook Pro 13", macOS 10.14

发布日期 2019年3月4日 上午12:13



lol mac客户端麦克风无法使用(临时解决方案)(转自美服lol玩家社区,玩家ranma42)

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